On Thu, 2010-09-09 at 11:15 +0200, Paweł Madej wrote:
> every user have .Spam mailbox and i want user spamadmin to have access 
> to it
> i got global acl file with content
> user=spamadmin lrp

That looks ok ..

> but I cannot list other users .Spam mailboxes

Yeah, it won't work magically like that. You need to do one of:

a) Use master user logins and log in with each user separately.

b) Enable shared mailboxes and directly have your command SELECT other
users' mailboxes without LISTing them first.

c) Do b) but also enable ACL shared dict and fill it with all users so
that spamadmin's LIST will also show all users' mailboxes.

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