On 06/09/2010 17:30, Timo Sirainen wrote:
On Mon, 2010-09-06 at 16:57 +0100, William Blunn wrote:
I think what confused me
I think you're still confused :)
I think you're right.
Under LAYOUT=fs perhaps the default_separator ought to be '.', and
under LAYOUT=maildir++ perhaps the default_separator ought to be '/',
regardless of the mailbox format :-)
It works like that, except the opposite way. With LAYOUT=fs the default
separator is '/' because the hierarchies are separated by the '/' directory
separator. With Maildir++ it's '.', because the separator in disk is '.'.
So only the layout determines what hierarchy separator is in use. Of course,
each mailbox format has their default layout.
OK. So it does.
I'd been running tests targetting the folder "foo/bar", always with a
slash separator.
For some reason I had it that with maildir this was mapping down to
".foo.bar/", but I just tested that again and it doesn't --- the mail
just ends up in INBOX.
But if I target "foo.bar" undir Maildir it all works.
OK, my mental world model updated to what you just said; now consistent
with all test results.