On 2010-09-03, at 1:41 PM, interfaSys sàrl wrote:

> On 03/09/2010 18:18, Timo Sirainen wrote:
>> On Fri, 2010-09-03 at 18:06 +0100, interfaSys sàrl wrote:
>>> On 02/09/2010 18:23, Timo Sirainen wrote:
>>>> On Thu, 2010-09-02 at 18:21 +0100, interfaSys sàrl wrote:
>>>>> If the subscription file is 660, then it seems the connection is dropped
>>>>> (No idling).
>>>>> When it's 770, then things are fine.
>>>> That doesn't really make any sense.. Subscription file doesn't need to
>>>> be executable. Anything in Dovecot's logs?
>>> Indeed, changing the file permissions didn't help. Half the accounts
>>> can't stay connected.
>> So what exactly is the problem? Those Blackberries don't do IDLE, or
>> it's broken in some worse way?
> Let's take an example with one device
> Half the accounts are always connected, like before.
> The other half can't keep the connection open.
> Same server, multiple domain names, one config.
> Connections are coming from the same BIS server

Just for reference; I have quite a few people with Blackberrys connecting to my 
server too. And, many do not do idle. I can't tell why some do and some don't. 
I've tried adding IDLE as a capability before auth, no help. I've tried 
deleting and recreating the account on the BIS servers, sometimes it helps, 
usually not. I've done packet captures, and raw logs from Dovecot. The ones 
that don't work just never try to IDLE.

It seems to be something to do with Rim's server(s), and nothing I did on my 
end would ever influence it.

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