On Thu, 02 Sep 2010 15:44:18 +0100
Timo Sirainen <t...@iki.fi> wrote:

> On Tue, 2010-08-31 at 11:33 +0100, Kenneth Cope wrote:
> > namespace {
> >   inbox = yes
> >   location = 
> >   prefix = 
> >   separator = .
> >   type = private
> > }
> This is ok.
> > namespace {
> >   hidden = yes
> >   inbox = no
> >   list = no
> >   location = 
> >   prefix = INBOX
> >   separator = .
> >   type = private
> > }
> This doesn't much make sense and I doubt Dovecot actually uses it for
> anything. Just remove it.
> > namespace {
> >   list = children
> >   location = maildir:%%h:LAYOUT=maildir++:INDEX=~/shared.%Dn_%Dd
> >   prefix = shared/%...@%d.
> I forgot, prefix here should contain %%u, not %u, because %u gets
> expanded to your own username while you want it to be expanding to
> other users' username.. I'll add a check against this.
    Unfortunately, I can't use %%u variable as is. The usernames
    contain the dot character.  That's essentially why I was using the
    %Dn_%Dd construct.  I can't find a way of doing this type os
    escaping/modifying for the %% variables.  

    %%Dn, for example, gives:

Sep 02 16:26:01 auth: Debug: passwd-file(@23foxgrove.co.uk):
    lookup: us...@23foxgrove.co.uk

    %D%n, does not work, understandably, and caused a LOT of error
    messages and stops the server being usable.

    I was originally hoping for a modifier for the dot character in
    variables, in the same way that the quote characters can be escaped
    with the %E prefix modifier.

    I'm pretty sure that I can't change the separator to a '/' as there
    is a large installed user base and we'd prefer this to be as
    transparent as possible.

    All this help is appreciated.

Kenneth Cope.

    Kenneth Cope
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