On 01/09/2010 20:35, Timo Sirainen wrote:
On Mon, 2010-08-30 at 12:54 -0500, Mike Abbott wrote:
Sometimes dovecot-2.0 sends this untagged response to clients:
* OK Indexed -2147483648% of the mailbox, ETA 0:00

I imagine there's a bug in there somewhere.
Well, I guess this fixes it:

Inspection of code reveals a bug in this change.

This bit:

    1.22 -        secs = (msecs / (percentage / 100.0) - msecs) / 1000;
    1.23 +        secs = (msecs*percentage / 100 - msecs) / 1000;

changes the calculation from

    estimated_total_time = elapsed_time ÷ completed_fraction

which seems to be correct, to

    estimated_total_time = elapsed_time × completed_fraction

which seems to be incorrect.

(I have written a fix and sent the diff to Timo.)


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