On Tue, 2010-08-17 at 19:31 +0200, Samuel Kvasnica wrote:
> Well, given the fact it is listed ONLY if using LAYOUT=fs (if using
> normal maildir layout it works correclty) it IS definitely a dovecot bug.
> Whatever the correct behavior is, the result should not depend on
> setting LAYOUT=fs => this is not consistent.

There are other differences between LAYOUT=fs and LAYOUT=maildir++, not
just that one. I guess ideally there wouldn't be any, but for now
LAYOUT=maildir++ works the way Courier/Cyrus does, and LAYOUT=fs works
the way UW-IMAP does. I'm not going to change that at least before v2.1.

> With this bug, I absolutely cannot operate thunderbirds on dovecot in
> such setup (delete, move, rename wont work), so again a big showstopper. :-(
> imap_client_workaround does not seem to be related, at least not with
> maildir + Layout=fs

What errors does it give with that workaround enabled? Because it should
have fixed your previous errors:

> 12 subscribe "Trash/aaa/"
> 12 NO Invalid mailbox name: Trash/aaa/   <=== non-existing child folder,
> 13 unsubscribe "aaa/"
> 13 NO Invalid mailbox name: aaa/ <=== non-existing child folder, ERROR

x subscribe Trash/aa/
x OK Subscribe completed.

x unsubscribe Trash/aa/
x OK Unsubscribe completed.
x delete Trash/aa/

x OK Delete completed.
x subscribe Trash/aa/
x NO Mailbox doesn't exist: Trash/aa

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