On Tue, 2010-08-10 at 06:21 -0400, Charles Marcus wrote:

> Simply being wrong does not a troll make, however...

No , what makes one a troll is the amount of constant crap emitted from
a person over many mediums.

> It was pointed out to you a couple of months ago on the spam-l list that

spam-l? they are IMHO mostly just chest beating wankers trying to
justify their own self importance.
The only person their I actually have heard of before in my 20 odd years
of doing this, and respect, is Al, and he rarely posts.

> you are making some really bad decisions wrt your SA/Mailscanner rules,

in your opinion, and yours alone

> some of which make you worse than a backscatter source - in fact, one of
> your rules caused you to actually spam the spam-l list, and then to

stop spreading lies. it wasnt spam at all as you know, the content of
the message was direct and legit, identical to many others posts, the
only difference is I do not whitelist outbound mail, so it was caught,
and issued a warning about the included content, ill never change that
and make no apologies, ever. i dont care that you disagree with that.

> compound the error you explicitly said you made no apologies for it
> (which got you moderated) - not very smart...

Correct and it goes to show what childish morons exist in such position,
I'll gladly put up on the web a copy of the archives for anyone (their
copyright BS is invalid and legally unenforceable in this country
because it is a "general mailing list that anyone is free to join"), and
if you only saw the immature private mail terranson sent me :)

> You also said earlier that you were missing some of my posts - and now
> some of Stans - which makes it on the order of 100% certain that you are
> losing other legitimate mail, so obviously that rule is not the only
> ill-advised one you implement.

negative, we have rules in place for ranters and trolls, we used to run
an nntp-email gateway, so the rules were perfected over time, the rules
ARE working EXACTLY as designed when they catch Stans 10 page rants, but
when he behaves himself, like the 5 liner he did a week ago, they have a
chance of getting through.

In relation to you, the email service you use has a poor reputation
here, that along with the troll rules will certainly ensure I dont see
your posts unless I am so bored I go looking in archives (only went
looking for this after someone sent me a weird email a few days back and
I was curious what he was going on about) and in accordance with that, I
luckily wont see any self justification rant you try reply with, so dont
bother, when a netblock or host is listed for miscreant activities, it
tends to mean they are out forever, this includes high score additions
in SA as well.

> To each his own, just please don't start spamming the dovecot list.

oh grow up little child, I have been on this list for many many many
years, so keep your high and mighty self importance to the spam-l  (does
L  stand for "lamers"... starting to think so) list.

my apologies to anyone else who was bored enough to read this, but
experience shows sometimes you have to lower yourself to a childs level
to communicate with that child. (and I bet he still replies to me cause
he still just wont get that fact that I wont see it *sigh*)

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