Richard Gliebe wrote:
> my dovecot IMAP Server (1.0.7-7.el5) is now up and running ;-)

So old as to be virtually unworthy of a response...

Time to upgrade - and why oh why did you install a NEW server with such
an ancient version???

> Now I want that all clients have to save there sent messages in the IMAP
> folder on the server.
> no problem with the thunderbird clients.
> BUT, I can't configure the office 2003 clients to save there send
> messages to the imap folder.

This is a very well-known Outlook 2003 limitation. 2007 and later will
allow you to save sent messages to an IMAP folder.

That's just the way it is - complain to Microsoft, and/or upgrade Outlook.


Best regards,


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