On Fri, 2010-08-06 at 19:27 +0200, Thomas Leuxner wrote:
> Am 06.08.2010 um 16:51 schrieb Timo Sirainen:
> > service lmtp {
> >  executable = lmtp -D
> > }
> Added that but still does not dump cores when LMTP crashes.

What does it log? Is it just "(core not dumped)"? Usually it says a

> What I can add is, it seems to crash on every second delivery. Not using 
> 'mbox' but 'mdbox'

If you can easily reproduce it, then you could attach gdb into lmtp
process and get the backtrace from there:

gdb -p `pidof lmtp`
<make it crash>
bt full

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