Em 31/07/2010 18:51, Patrick Westenberg escreveu:
Leonardo Rodrigues schrieb:
that's all because i already have a account manager system,
written on PHP, which i had to kept. So i was trying to understand
how that's work to make it work on my system i couldnt stop using.
but after some tryings i got everything running. All my passwords
were already migrated from plaintext to Salted-SHA2-256.
Hi Leonardo,
can you tell me how you solved your problem with creating salted
passwords via PHP?
Hi .... yes i've acchieved some PHP routines for creating the
salted SHA256 password with random salt and also comparing a stored
hashed password with a plaintext supplied one.
encoded passwords will be exited as:
encoded password strings is 85-char length with the SSHA.256 prefix and
72 without it
as i'm storing passwords with the SSHA256.HEX prefix, my dovecot
conf has:
default_pass_scheme = PLAIN
so i can have any dovecot-supported encoded password on the
database as well as plaintext ones
code may not be very beautiful, i do admit that i'm not good on
making beautiful codes .... but its working nice in several places :)
the VerifyHashedPassword routine can receive passwords with the
{SSHA256.HEX} string and without as well. That makes easier to just
compare database stored passwords as well as the newly generated ones to
compare with newly encoded ones based on the plaintext supplied.
usage is pretty simple .... something like:
$hashedpwd = HashedPassword($plainpwd);
and store $hashedpwd whatever you want to store it
checking the stored password against a supplied password would be
something like:
if ( VerifyHashedPassword($hashedpwd,$plainpwd) )
// supplied plaintext password MATCH with supplied hashed password
do whatever you want if passwords matches
} else {
// supplied plaintext password DO NOT MATCH with supplied hashed
do whatever you want if passwords DO NOT match
Hope this helps you :)
Atenciosamente / Sincerily,
Leonardo Rodrigues
Solutti Tecnologia
Minha armadilha de SPAM, NÃO mandem email
My SPAMTRAP, do not email it