On Thu, 2010-07-08 at 08:42 +0200, Patrick Ben Koetter wrote:

> * Noel Butler <dovecot@dovecot.org>:
> > *sigh*
> > 
> > are you really this stupid or just trolling ?
> Seriously, I think you should all go offlist with your insults. Stop stealing
> other peoples attention with your dogmatic positions. Obviously you seem to
> have opposite positions and all of you seem to have a strong opinion why you
> take them. Stop trying to persuade the other to adopt your position. Accept
> that there are people who are different.
> I am asking the list operator to close this thread.
> p...@rick

Ahhh, so your quite happy to continue with diatribe on-list though?   I
see, yes, I see exactly where you come from.
Most people ceased reading this thread a long time anyway., Also, I aint
trying to pursuade anyone to do anything, it be them who seek to change
me, not that I care whatr they, or you think

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