Angelo Chen put forth on 6/24/2010 10:25 PM:
> Hi Sitan,
> I think that's one option, but it's around 10G data for the last few years, 
> and more than 100 folders under outlook express, do you think that will be 
> fast enough by using Outlook Express copying option to an imap account?

Look at it this way:  One way or another, in one format or another, you will
have to copy the data over the network from the PC to the Dovecot server.  If
you use the method myself and others have recommended, once the data is copied
to the IMAP folders, you are done.

Now, if you do it the other way, which is copying raw files over, you then
have to convert them to maildir format.  It's a multi-step process.  And could
be error prone.

The first method is a single step process and is reliable.


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