On 2010-06-10 11:06 PM, Stan Hoeppner wrote:
> Charles Marcus put forth on 6/10/2010 10:19 AM:
>> On 2010-06-10 3:31 AM, Stan Hoeppner wrote:
>>> BTW, anyone who has a 44MB INBOX should be slapped repeatedly about the
>>> cranium and then educated about POP and IMAP, and how each should be used.

>> So, Stan, how much will you charge to come do the honors for me?
>> It will probably be in the neighborhood of 50 users with Inboxes over
>> 1GB, some over 5GB...

> O-M-G!?  We may as well skip the punishment/re-education of these folks and
> march them straight to the firing squad. ;)
> You're talking just _Inbox_ of those sizes right?  No sub folders?

Right - most don't use sub folders, no matter how much I explain to them
the benefits of at least creating a 'Saved' folder and moving them from
the Inbox to there.

Our problem is, we deal with a lot of large attachments (we're in the
advertising industry), so lots of creative changing hands...

On a side note - I no longer recommend creating lots of folders - it
makes searching email more complicated than it needs to be. TB's virtual
folder support is pretty good now, so keeping all of the message sin
just a few folders makes more sense. I usually recommend storing them by
year or something like that.

> If so, yes, definitely to the firing squad they go. :)

I wish... ;)


Best regards,


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