On Thu, 2010-06-10 at 08:28 +1000, Noel Butler wrote:

> On Wed, 2010-06-09 at 21:48 +0200, Johannes Dröge wrote:
> > Hello,
> > 
> > I am having this error message on some rare emails with more than 6 mb 
> > or so. Neither the dovecot server nor the filesystem where the maildir 
> > resides have any quota or are full at the time of delivering.
> > 
> > The mails goes getmail->postfix->dovecot delivery agent
> > 
> > Is the mail written to any other place than the maildir folder? Even 
> > though all my temp folders should also be able to hold some megabytes...
> > 
> should be able to ? how much disk space is free?
> this indicates what it says, there is not enough disk space 

I shouldn't do lists before I finish my first coffee of teh day :->

I missed your using system accounts so Charles may be on the right
track, you need to find the  size of your existing mailbox,  
search for mailbox_size_limit  if you have not altered this value in
main.cf use postconf -d to see its value, about 50MB I think.

postfix uses a rather small value as default size limit, you may not
have 6 MB free in that limit. alter it to 100MB or something like that.
You can also set it to  0  to disable the limit.


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