On Wed, 2 Jun 2010, Anton Dollmaier wrote:


has someone tried this or knows something similar ?

RoundCube in version 0.3 and later supports a plugin system and provides actually two different Sieve-plugins, one out of the box, the other one is available here:


both work and provide a decent GUI with no need to write the sieve-syntax directly like the thunderbird-extension.

I have successfully installed avelsieve http://email.uoa.gr/avelsieve/ as addon to squirrelmail http://squirrelmail.org/ and I have an adapted websieve http://sourceforge.net/projects/websieve/files/ which was developed for Cyrus IMAP and had code that prevented working with dovecot. Both tools provide a web interface that does not require knowledge of the sieve syntax.

The websieve version is however hacked in a way that it does work in a Kerberos environment only, i.e. no password dialog but Kerberos auth instead. It requires the perl modules Authen::Krb5, Mail::IMAPClient,
Net::ManageSieve, Authen::SASL, Authen::SASL::Cyrus and MIME::Base64.
It is not ready for public distribution, but I could make the present code available if someone is interested.

Wolfgang Friebel                   Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY
Phone/Fax:  +49 33762 77372/216    Platanenallee 6
Mail: Wolfgang.Friebel AT desy.de  D-15738 Zeuthen  Germany

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