On Tue, Jun 1, 2010 at 10:04, Jerry <dovecot.u...@seibercom.net> wrote:

> The fight against SPAM is NOT Dovecots responsibility.

Whose responsibility is it to get detected spam delivered into the
correct folder?  Dovecot deliver is typically used to deliver into the
Inbox(es).  It would be involved.

Note that I am not saying "responsibility".  There are features that
can be used (or there aren't, as the case may be).  Documenting them
would be helpful.  Dovecot has documentation for many other things.
If it had documentation on ... dealing with (I'll use that term
instead of fighting, as maybe that will be clearer to you) ... spam
aspects (like folder selection aspects), that would be helpful.

> The fight against SPAM is NOT Dovecots responsibility. There are
> numerous applications that work with your MTA for that purpose. I
> suggest that you investigate this further. You might want to start here:
>        http://www.ijs.si/software/amavisd/
> They also have their own mailing list that you can use to answer any
> questions that you might have.

Like "How do I get Dovecot deliver to put the spam in the spam folder?" ?

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