
I checked everything and seems to be not right. 

System is loosing lots of emails. I did a filter in the e-mail program
that puts a copy of nonspam/nonmailist/clearmessage into a local folder
and some messages dissappears from remote mail...

I received some messages last week and I have nothing before 7 days!

But those messages are in my local mail folder thank you to the filter I

The same happens with thunderbird where I deleted the account and
recreated new... Nothing older than 7 days...

What can be happening?


  Gonzalo Aguilar Delgado
  Consultor CRM - Ingeniero en
        M. +34 607814276

El sáb, 29-05-2010 a las 15:58 +0200, Gonzalo Aguilar Delgado escribió:
> >Since you didn't claim you actually are missing mail, just seeing more
> Nope. As I suffer the same problem from Evolution and ThunderBird
> >They could be "deleted" (actually marked for deletion, physically
> >removed upon expunge). Those would have a T flag in the file name after
> >the comma. Your MUA Evolution shows them in the Trash (virtual) folder.
> I tried all this but nothing shown. It's like cur folder is not shown.
> >They could have been flagged Junk, and only be displayed in the Junk
> >(virtual) folder.
> Junk folder is almost empty since I have SpamAsassin in place
> >You could have a search active, hiding some mail.
> I checked this also. But's not.
> >You could have specifically hidden them. See the View menu.
> I checked show all. But only a few appears. The one deleted by spam
> filter in the client. 
> What else can be?

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