
i red several hours a lot of documentation (wiki, Blogs, lists ...) how
to get public folders. Under cyrus it is very easy. Create a mbox on the
top with cyradm and some acls. Nothing more ...
All i want is:


on info, everybody can read
on group/internal  - only group has full access to internal
public/foo/bla  - read write for everyone

The flags (seen, ...) is stored for all.

The wiki entries are to old or mixing several things and are not clear,
what I should do, to get it working.

my config:


mail_location = maildir:/imap/domain/%1n/%n:INDEX=/imap/indexes/domain/%

namespace private {
  separator = /
  prefix = 
  inbox = yes

#namespace shared {
#  separator = /
#  prefix = shared/%%u/
#  location = maildir:/imap/shared/domain/%1n/%
#  subscriptions = no
#  list = yes

namespace public {
   separator = /
   prefix = public/
   location = maildir:/imap/shared/domain
   subscriptions = no
   list = yes

mail_uid = vmail
mail_gid = vmail
mail_privileged_group = vmail

protocol imap {
= /usr/local/dovecot/dovecot/libexec/dovecot/imap-login
  mail_executable = /usr/local/dovecot/dovecot/libexec/dovecot/imap
  mail_plugin_dir = /usr/local/dovecot/dovecot/lib/dovecot/imap/
  mail_plugins = quota imap_quota
  imap_idle_notify_interval = 120
  fsync_disable = yes
  mail_plugins = quota imap_quota acl
  imap_client_workarounds = outlook-idle netscape-eoh

plugin {

  acl = vfile
  acl_shared_dict = file:/imap/rbg/acl/shared-mailboxes.db
  acl = vfile:/imap/rbg/acl/dovecot-acls

I wasn't able to use under plugins imap_acl, cause of errors:

failed: ld.so.1: imap: fatal: relocation error: file 
/usr/local/dovecot/dovecot/lib/dovecot/imap//lib02_imap_acl_plugin.so: symbol 
acl_mailbox_right_lookup: referenced symbol not found
Couldn't load required plugins
Error: imap dump-capability process returned 89
Fatal: Invalid configuration
in /usr/local/dovecot/1.2.11/etc/dovecot.conf

System is Solaris10, build by my self with Sieve Patches.

After changing to "acl" only, DoveCot starts.

So, i can see in Roundcube (webmail) the folder Public (or shared, from
the above example) but nothing more. Do i need symlinks, or what I have
to do after create the folder + permissions?

cu denny

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