Phil Howard <> (Di 18 Mai 2010 16:04:14 CEST):
> I'm looking for an IMAP testing tool, suitable to use with Dovecot IMAP.  It
> needs to support TLS, STARTTLS, and login/authentication.  It needs to be
> able run from command line, shell scripts, and even do so under cron jobs
> (e.g. a way to supply the password to use w/o a terminal prompt).  Typical
> interactive mail clients just don't cut it (even the text mode ones).  One
> reason is I need to do the tests on a number of machines, under a number of
> user and domain names, and with a variety of parameters or destinations.
> This is for a suite of regression tests I am putting together intended to
> verify that configuration changes do not break things (or unbreak things
> that are supposed to not work).
> Anyone ever heard of such a tool?  Open source would be preferred (better
> yet, my favorite programming languages: C, Pike, Python).

You could use imtest and pop3test from the cyrus suite. The newer
versions should work with a dovecot server too. (Older ones were buggy
and expected more output than dovecot sent.)

For Perl exist several modules/libray to home brew your tests.

    use Mail::IMAPClient;
    my $s = new Mail::IMAPCLient(
        Server => …,
        User => …,
    ) or die $@;

    $s->examine("INBOX") or die $@;
    … and so on.


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