On 9.5.2010, at 23.03, Rainer Weikusat wrote:

>> - PostgreSQL supports now multiple connections to backend. Also
>> supports load-balancing / HA by specifying multiple host
>> parameters. MySQL and PostgreSQL now share the same code for that.
> You don't really need to wonder that your release cycles 'get longer'
> when you do major feature changes to something you consider to be
> 'beta' (and not alpha) code just because you cannot stand the fact
> that other people need to write code to deal with problems in code
> written by you.

No, that's not it. The only reason I wrote it was because it was needed by the 
company that paid me for Dovecot development these recent months. And the 
reason why I didn't use your code was because I didn't like the idea of having 
to maintain two separate implementations of SQL load balancer. I don't have a 
problem with adding other peoples' code, as long as it solves the problem the 
right way (and code duplication isn't the right way).

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