test-mail:/tmp# /usr/local/dovecot2/bin/doveconf -n -c  ./
# 2.0.beta4 (6891d20929ca): ./dovecot.old.conf
doveconf: Warning: Obsolete setting in ./dovecot.old.conf:26:
login_dir has been removed
doveconf: Warning: Obsolete setting in ./dovecot.old.conf:29:
login_chroot has been replaced by service { chroot }
doveconf: Fatal: Error in configuration file ./dovecot.old.conf line
29: Unknown setting: chroot

I think this is fixed nowadays? At least I can't reproduce it anymore..

Yes it is  fixed for login_chroot. Thank you.

It does not understand the old 1.1 setting "ssl_disable".
Yeah, I only added v1.2 settings. But I guess I might as well add older
settings too. Added ssl_disable now.

login_user, login_process_size, login_process_per_connection, login_processes_count, login_max_processes_count, login_max_connections, mail_drop_priv_before_exec, max_mail_processes and mail_process_size does not work too. Are they 1.1 settings ?

Guillaume de Lafond
Aqua Ray SARL

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