On 11/03/2010 17:14, Leonardo Rodrigues wrote:
Em 11/03/2010 09:53, mail...@securitylabs.it escreveu:

Just insert a column in the MySQL table with the host relative to the domain. This is my configuration on the proxy:

password_query = SELECT users.clear AS password, domains.host, '%u*proxy' AS destuser, 'proxy' AS pass, 'Y' AS proxy FROM users,domains WHERE users.username = '%u' AND users.enabled = '1' AND domains.domain = '%d'

In the table "domains" I have a column "domain" with the list of domains I want to proxy, and a column "host" with the IPof the pop/imap server.

and for local domains i could return as host .... is that what you're doing for local domains ?

No because I don't have local domains, I use proxy on public network to allow access to the real servers on the private LAN, but I think you have to use proxy_maybe and for local domains:


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