At Mon, 04 Jan 2010 20:11:50 +0000,
Ed W wrote:
> On 04/01/2010 18:47, David Abrahams wrote:
> > For over a year now, I've been trying to acquire the ability to review
> > the thread history of a message in my INBOX while still deleting
> > messages as soon as I believe I'm done with them.  Suddenly I'm
> > gratified to see that several approaches have been right under my nose
> > all along!
> I have recently just switched my Thunderbird to have sent items in the 
> "Inbox" and "in the same folder as the message you are replying to".  
> The end result is a fairly workable equivalent of the gmail style thing, 
> although you also see Sent messages which haven't had a reply (which may 
> or may not be what you desire, but it's actually my preference for my needs)
> No need for virtual folders, but support for this to work well may not 
> be in every mail client...

Yeah, I used to do something like that with Gnus.  Believe me, I've
been through all the simple approaches.  The problem is that I really
need to practice "Inbox Zero."  I need to not see the things I've
decided I'm through with (in every mail client I use), and having the
client decide I'm through when I've "read" a message is highly prone
to accidentally losing things I need to deal with.

Dave Abrahams           Meet me at BoostCon:
BoostPro Computing

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