
I have virtual users set up for the various mailing lists that I subscribe to. Everything has been working well in both Postfix and Dovecot. Postfix is configured to deliver to a specific mbox file within my mbox mail root. I can access retrieve and read email via Dovecot without any issues.

Now I want to make my setup more robust and have these messages delivered to a maildir namespace.

I have configured the LDA within the Postfix master.cf file:
dovecot   unix  -       n       n       -       -       pipe
flags=DRhu user=vmail:vmail argv=/usr/lib/dovecot/deliver -f ${sender} -d ${recipient}

I have configured the 'dovecot' transport within Postfix in the transport file:
t...@lists.schang.net           dovecot:

In dovecot.conf I have set up the namespace as follows:
namespace private {
        separator = /
        prefix = "Lists/"
        location = maildir:~/MailLists
        subscriptions = yes

I'm having a hard time specifying the "Lists/" namespace in my userdb passwd-file:

I can't get the userdb_mail portion to work. For this user, 't...@lists.schang.net', how do I tell Dovecot/deliver to put the message in the 'test' mailbox within the 'Lists/' namespace?

I'd appreciate any insight.

Thank you.

Brian Schang

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