On Tue, 2009-11-17 at 17:43 +0100, Mayer wrote:
> dovecot 1.2.6
> Deliver sometimes wants to write a  .temp.<hostname>.some-number file in 
> the  user's home
> directory.  If the user is over quota (in his home!) he can't receive 
> mails though no mails are
> stored in his home. The user homes are on a distributed filesystem 
> (AFS). The mails are
> stored locally on the mailserver as I mentioned before.

If you're not storing mails in user's home directory, perhaps you
shouldn't even be telling Dovecot the user's home dir? It would have
been best if you had used something like:

home = /maildir/%1n/%u
mail_location = maildir:~/Maildir:LAYOUT=fs

> How can I tell deliver in the configuration to write the temp file at 
> another location ?

You can't. Either don't tell Dovecot about the user's "real home", or
upgrade to v1.2.7+ which fallbacks to reading the whole message into
memory if it can't write a temp file.

> We would like to offer public folders for work groups. Reading with imap 
> works fine.
> But I didn't find a way to tell deliver to drop mails directly in a 
> public folder.
> Should I use Sieve instead ?

I'm not sure what is the best way to do this. Anyway the important part
is that you specify the mailbox name with -m parameter (or use Sieve
script). You need to run deliver as some user .. probably create some
new "public" user that can't log in but has write access to the public

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