Testing all again multiple times

System      | Kernel | x out of 100 failed with
            | x Bit  | "failed: 2. offset=2"
AIX 5300-08 | 64     |   0 (!)
AIX 5300-08 | 32     |  69
AIX 5300-03 | 64     |  81
AIX 5200-06 | 64     |   9
AIX 5100-00 | 32     |   1
AIX 4330-10 | 32     |  59
AIX 4330-11 | 32     |  61

This looks a little bit random, doesn't it?


Timo Sirainen schrieb am 20.10.2009 10:36:
> That's weird.. Did you run it a couple of times on the failed ones?
> On Oct 20, 2009, at 4:31 AM, Ralf Becker wrote:
>> Success on
>> AIX 5300-08
>> AIX 5300-06
>> AIX 5200-06
>> AIX 5100-00
>> AIX 4330-11
>> Failed on
>> AIX 5300-03    failed: 2. offset=2
>> AIX 4330-10    failed: 2. offset=2
>> Timo Sirainen schrieb am 19.10.2009 23:55:
>>> Can someone find an OS where the attached program doesn't work? It
>>> should print "success". So far tested for success: Linux 2.6, Solaris
>>> 10, FreeBSD 7.2, OpenBSD 4.2.
>> -- 
>> ______________________________________________________________________
>> Dipl.-Inform. (FH) Ralf Becker     Rechenzentrum (r/ft) der FH Trier
>> (Network|Mail|Web|Firewall)           University of applied sciences
>> Administrator                           Schneidershof, D-54293 Trier
>>   Mail: beck...@fh-trier.de                    Fon: +49 651 8103 499
>>    Web: http://www.fh-trier.de/~beckerr        Fax: +49 651 8103 214
>> PubKey: http://www.fh-trier.de/~beckerr     Crypto: GnuPG, S/MIME
>> ______________________________________________________________________
>> Wenn Gott gewollt haette, dass E-Mail in HTML geschrieben wuerden,
>> endeten Gebete traditionell mit </amen>. (Tom Listen)


 Dipl.-Inform. (FH) Ralf Becker     Rechenzentrum (r/ft) der FH Trier
 (Network|Mail|Web|Firewall)           University of applied sciences
 Administrator                           Schneidershof, D-54293 Trier

   Mail: beck...@fh-trier.de                    Fon: +49 651 8103 499
    Web: http://www.fh-trier.de/~beckerr        Fax: +49 651 8103 214
 PubKey: http://www.fh-trier.de/~beckerr     Crypto: GnuPG, S/MIME

 Wenn Gott gewollt haette, dass E-Mail in HTML geschrieben wuerden,
 endeten Gebete traditionell mit </amen>. (Tom Listen)

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