Pascal Volk schrieb:
On 10/12/2009 03:44 PM Daniel Spannbauer wrote:

I try to patch the dovecot-Sources to use the management-sieve.

I've downloaded the Sources, unpacked them, do a "gzip -dc dovecot-1-2-managesieve-patch-52abc11d7f48.tar.gz |patch -p1".
I get a Error rom the patch:
patching file README.managesieve
patching file dovecot-example.conf
patching file src/master/child-process.c
patching file src/master/child-process.h
patching file src/master/listener.c
patching file src/master/login-process.c
patching file src/master/mail-process.c
patching file src/master/main.c
patching file src/master/master-settings-defs.c
patching file src/master/master-settings.c
patching file src/master/master-settings.h
patch unexpectedly ends in middle of line

What do I wrong?

You are trying to apply the file series as patch, but this is not a patch.
Extract the gziped archive and apply only the managesieve.patch.

Ah, ok. Thanks. I should look at what im downloaded :)

Tanks a lot




Daniel Spannbauer                         Software Entwicklung
marco Systemanalyse und Entwicklung GmbH  Tel   +49 8333 9233-27 Fax -11
Rechbergstr. 4 - 6, D 87727 Babenhausen   Mobil +49 171 4033220                      Email
Geschäftsführer Martin Reuter             HRB 171775 Amtsgericht München

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