Charles Marcus wrote:
On 10/4/2009, Roland Roberts ( wrote:
I was hoping to be able to configure a uniform expiration policy,
just like I currently use procmail to file my mail without having to
have a separate config for each client.

What I had said was I don't think (maybe you can) that you can do it on
a per user basis...

If by 'uniform' you mean 'global', currently all you *can* do is set a
global policy...

The documentation doesn't say anything about per-user which implies it can't be done. I would very much like to be wrong on that.

By uniform, I don't mean global. I mean that the policy is set (by me on each of my folders) once instead of once per mail client.


                       PGP Key ID: 66 BC 3B CD
Roland B. Roberts, PhD                             RL Enterprises                            6818 Madeline Court                           Brooklyn, NY 11220

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