I realize these are older versions, but I'd like to know specifically
whether dovecot 1.1.6 and dovecot 1.1.8 are compatible index-wise.
In particular, if we downgraded from 1.1.8 to 1.1.6 would there be any
issues with doing so?

I realize there are later versions, but we've tested both of the above
extensively, but recently loaded up a server with 1.1.8 and found that
the 'imap' process core dumps frequently, so before we pursue later
versions we thought it would be best to downgrade to 1.1.6.


Steven F. Siirila                       Office: WBOB, 624J
Internet Services                       E-mail: s...@umn.edu
Office of Information Technology        Voice: (612) 626-0244
University of Minnesota

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