
> I'm using deliver for storing new mails (nfs).
> Since v.1.2 deliver does not reject mails if over quota (maildir quota).
> test with v. 1.1.18:
> # HOME=/tmp/maildir/ /path/dovecot-1.1.18/libexec/dovecot/deliver -e -c
> /path/dovecot-1.1.18/etc/dovecot.conf
> # Quota exceeded (mailbox for user is full)
> test with v. 1.2.4:
> # HOME=/tmp/maildir/ /path/dovecot-1.2.4/libexec/dovecot/deliver -e -c
> /path/dovecot-1.2.4/etc/dovecot.conf
> -> mail is saved to INBOX

is no one using maildir quota here? Who can say me if this is a bug or not?
As a workaround, is it posible to use deliver 1.1.18 and imap/pop3 1.2.4 
without problems? (i think i have to rewrite some sieve 1.2 rules)
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