On 13/08/2009 5:55 PM, Phillip Macey wrote:
On 8/08/2009 2:50 AM, Timo Sirainen wrote:
Does it help if you increase
to e.g. 8192 in src/login-common/client-common.h?
I also needed to change src/master/master-login-interface.h
After making those changes and recompiling, users who were previously
unable to authenticate are now able to - at least on my test box
anyway. I will test with a couple of other accounts later this week -
so far I have only tested on two.
FYI: I got a few more of the 'Input buffer full (auth failed' logs while
I was doing some testing for the 'Crash in v1.2.3: istream.c: assertion
failed on line 99' thread
(http://www.dovecot.org/list/dovecot/2009-August/042109.html). I didnt
notice it actually break anything so Im not sure if its worth worrying
about - but I thought it worth a mention. Perhaps it is just something
peculiar about our setup or what I was doing that caused something
(kerberos tickets?) to be excessively large?
Phill Macey (CiSRA IT Services)