On Friday 14 of August 2009 at 16:50:08 Timo Sirainen wrote:
> On Aug 14, 2009, at 10:15 AM, zbiggy wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I would like to have Polish imap folders' names in dovecot instead
> > of English. How I can do this with dovecot?
> That would be an IMAP client feature.
> > Change table of folders:
> > INBOX -> Otrzymane
> INBOX is a hard coded IMAP feature.
> > Sent -> Wyslane
> > Drafts -> Robocze
> > Trash -> Kosz
> None of these are created or used by Dovecot in any special way. It's
> done by clients.
> > Then I would like to display them using SquirrelMail.
> See if there's a SquirrelMail plugin that already does this. If not,
> you'll have to implement it yourself. In any case there's nothing you
> can do about this on Dovecot's side. (I guess it might be possible to
> do something horribly ugly, but it might just break everything.)

Thanks. :)

have a nice day,
Zbigniew Luszpinski

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