Op 13/07/2009 om 16:22:58 -0400, schreef Timo Sirainen:
> On Mon, 2009-07-13 at 21:56 +0200, Leo Baltus wrote:
> > > > Maybe it could be in base_dir or have a configuration option of its own?
> > > 
> > > It's copied to base_dir, but it's not primarily stored there because
> > > base_dir is typically under /var/run/, which gets deleted at boot time.
> > 
> > Well base_dir is configurable, in our case it is not /var/run and we do no
> > use compile-time pahnames, therefore we would like
> > SSL_PARAMETERS_PERM_PATH configurable or just to use base_dir.
> Why can't you use compile time paths?
We typically use multiple instances, and we do not want to use any unique
rescources from the OS. So each instance has its own storage & tmp space
as well as its own IP address and user- and group-name.

> > Maybe there a reason not to use base_dir which I am overlooking?
> base_dir in most installations is wiped out when rebooting, and the
> ssl-parameters file shouldn't be deleted then.

Ah, ok. Then we need a place for more persistent data storage, something
like data_dir?

Leo Baltus, internetbeheerder                         /\
NPO ICT Internet Services                            /NPO/\
Sumatralaan 45, 1217 GP Hilversum, Peperbus (12.103) \  /\/
beh...@omroep.nl, 035-6773555                         \/

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