Hello, On Thu, 2009-06-25 at 00:49 +0200, Mij wrote: > I modified the wrapper to perform this escaping. With the new wrapper > and dovecot v1.2rc6, authentication works fine for "dot users" too. > See > http://mij.oltrelinux.com/net/dovecot-qmail-vmailmgr/ > for further instructions.
Many thanks Mij & Timo, I just installed everything on a new server with dovecot 1.2rc6, and it seems to work perfectly. I will continue my tests with large and imported maildirs. So qmail + vmailmgr + dovecot = ok :-) Now I am wondering whether I should also replace qmail-pop3d by dovecot for more consistency (and performance?). Regards & a nice week-end to you all, Olivier