Am Freitag, den 05.06.2009, 12:04 +1000 schrieb James Brown:
> Looks like we are under a dictionary login attack on our POP server:
> Jun  5 11:48:20 mail dovecot[2620]: pop3-login: Aborted login (auth  
> failed, 1 attempts): user=<audrey>, method=PLAIN, rip=,  
> lip=
Since the attacker is playing nice you could also limit the maximum
connection attempts to the pop3 port in a given timeframe. And if that
limit is reached block the ip for a certain amount of time. 
If you firewall with netfilter, hashlimit is your friend.

Interesting for me is that you are on v1.2RC4. Timo wrote yersterday
that with v1.2+ after every login failure the delay for the next attempt
should grow. When I take a look at your timestamps this is obviously not
working on your system. 


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