Steffen Kaiser writes:

> > But it seems, that my sieve-scripts on the local dovecot server are not
> > recognised by this combination.
> You have to simulate the delivery after synchronisation. However, I wonder 
> how this is to work:
> 1) you sync news mails from A -> B
> 2) you process them with Sieve on B, possible out them into other folders
No, this doesn't work but I wnat to do).
I "simulate" that with nnimap-split-rules in gnus (which works okay, but
I think it would be nicer to do it by sieve-scripts).

> 3) next time you sync the filtered mails back to A, because they appear to 
> be new.
Yes and this works too.

> But I guess you cannot run Sieve on A?
That's right, it's a CommuniGate Pro(fessionell?-) server, which doesn't
support sieve.


> The new libsieve library of Stephan Bosch does include a tool called 
> "sieve-filter". It applies a Sieve script to all messages in a folder.
I will test that, if it is in squeeze. Seems promising.


Thanks for the info.

Dieter Faulbaum

Elektronenspeicherring BESSY II
Albert-Einstein-Str. 15, 12489 Berlin
phone +49 30 6392-4652
fax   +49 30 6392-2939

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