On 24. mai. 2009, at 20.13, V S Rao wrote:
I am changing the subject line to reflect the discussion.
I too have a similar case with large mailboxes. My user mix is 70%
POP3 vs. 30% IMAP. Would maildir still be the best recommended
format? What is the opinion of the experts here?
The reason I am asking is that I am preparing to upgrade my mail
server to RHEL 5.3. That would mean my Dovecot will be atleast
1.0.7, which should not be bad. If the recommendation is that I go
from mbox format to Maildir, I want to plan that as well. However I
don't want to land up in a situation where, I have to move back from
Maildir to mbox again. So please do advice me on the best.
IIRC RHEL only supports EXT3, not XFS/JFS and so on. ext3 is nice with
large directories only if dir_index is enabled (tune2fs -O dir_index /
dev/something). If dir_index is not enabled, ext3 will perform quite
terribly with some 1000+ files in a directory. Apart from that, I
would guess maildir would be best both for IMAP and POP.
Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk
(+47) 97542685 / 98013356
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