On May 18, 2009, at 6:42 AM, Rui Carneiro wrote:

I am having some troubles sending all data to a file. When I finish to send all data to a file, I tried to open it and the file is corrupted.

The first think I noticed is that all chars are capitalized what destroy all the file format.

Where are the chars capitalized?

Hmm. I'll see about getting it fixed in a better way, but for now you could just change:

        decoder = message_decoder_init(TRUE);


        decoder = message_decoder_init(FALSE);

I'm thinking about making message_decoder uppercase only text/* body parts.

Any other idea why files are getting corrupted?

Nope. If you still see corruption, try with some simple test mails and see if it's adding garbage, losing contents or adding more content.

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