On Fri, 2009-05-15 at 09:35 +1000, Phillip Macey wrote:
> We are having some performancec issues on our server at the moment - all 
> I can put it down to is the large size of some maildirs. Eg. `ls -ld 
> Maildir/cur` might show a directory >20Mb in size for some of our users 
> (20-30k emails).
> (Performance issues == everything is running ok then all of a sudden 
> load avg goes through the roof, system cpu time goes crazy. Reading mail 
> grinds to a halt. Then everything recovers just as suddenly and the load 
> avg gradually returns to normal levels)

Do you have POP3 users? What clients do your users typically use?

BTW. Kind of nasty to hijack a pretty much unrelated thread to your

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