On W 13 May, 2009, at 04:37 , elli...@n.0o0.bz wrote:
Okay, I've now also tried changing "auth_username_format = %n-%d"
and adding a user for each account. Authentication works fine but I
still get "maildir: data=/var/mail/vhosts//elliott-n.0o0.bz" in the
logs! What's the deal? When does the %d variable get set and how
can I use it??
Thanks for any pointers!
this has come up recently. The gist of it is this: the username from
which the % variables are expanded is the same that has been
authenticated by the authentication mechanism. One trick, that I used
with my system users, in order to keep the domain in the location
path, is to use the home directory to build it (by concatenation and a
simple symbolic link).
As you have virtual users, you are even free to set the home to what
you need for the location path.