Matthias Saou wrote :

> FWIW, I seem to have a similar issue with 1.1.14 and system quotas on
> the /home filesystem (different ext3 partition, no NFS) :
> . OK Logged in.
> . getquotaroot INBOX
> . OK Getquotaroot completed.
> I've tried with all of the following options :
>   quota = fs:user
>   quota = fs:user:mount=/home
>   quota = fs:user:mount=/home:noenforcing
> If I change temporarily to the following, then it "works" (not using
> the filesystem quotas, of course) :
>   quota = dirsize:user
>   quota_rule = *:storage=10M
> The filesystem quotas are working on the system and I can see them just
> fine with "repquota /home". Could this be the same problem? The Wiki
> doesn't point to further configuration options for the fs quotas, so I
> don't think I'm missing any configuration.
> Since Geoffroy reported that it was working with 1.1.11 for him, I'll
> try a temporary downgrade to check if it makes any difference.

My bad. Right now I was trying with a "clean" setup where the user had
no quota enforced (0 soft, 0 hard). I set a quota with 1.1.11 and it
worked, then I upgraded back to 1.1.14 and it still works.

I'm really sure I had problems with my previous testing setup, but that
might have been with the 1.2 rc and/or with quotas enforced on "/"
instead of "/home" (if that can make any difference...).

Sorry for the noise. Flavio : Can you check to make sure that your user
has a quota set for the filesytem, just in case?


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