On Fri, 2009-05-08 at 17:11 -0300, Thiago Monaco Papageorgiou wrote:
> This is a snapshot of a top :
>  %CPU %MEM   
> 60.4  1.8 495:12.52 dovecot

Oh, the dovecot master process is eating the CPU. That's interesting.
This is the first time I've heard it doing that. What does it show when
you do strace -p -tt to it for a second or so?

> login_process_per_connection: no
> login_process_size: 32
> login_processes_count: 100
> login_max_connections: 100

I don't think you should have that many of login processes.
login_process_count should be about the same number as you have
CPUs/cores. Rather increase the login_max_connections if you need to.

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