I mean EOH in previous message.
I noticed, that my callback for hdr->eoh==1 doesn't call. I checked by
comparing func pointers. Instead, another default callback is called.
On Apr 9, 2009, at 17:48 , Konstantin Lepa wrote:
I commented the else branch, but EOF exists after
i_stream_header_filter. My headers appears in a message body.
On Apr 8, 2009, at 20:42 , Timo Sirainen wrote:
On Wed, 2009-04-08 at 14:05 +0400, Konstantin Lepa wrote:
You didn't say what the strange behavior was .. But:
if (hdr && hdr->eoh == TRUE) { *matched = FALSE; }
else { *matched = TRUE; }
Don't explicitly set matched always. Set it only when you know you
to change its matching state. So the above code should be only:
if (hdr && hdr->eoh == TRUE) { *matched = FALSE; }