* Timo Sirainen <t...@iki.fi>:
> On Wed, 2009-04-01 at 11:28 +0200, Ralf Hildebrandt wrote:
> > Two of my users are reporting that their quota is not being
> > recalculated ALTHOUGH they deleted lots and lots of mails.
> Does maildirsize file show any such deletions? Like lots of lines /
> large numbers in lines beginning with "-"?
> I did a few tests and it seemed to work correctly. Also the Maildir++
> quota code hasn't really changed since v1.1 (quota configuration
> structures changed somewhat though).

It seems my users need to log out and back in again to get the correct
quota info displayed within Squirrel Mail

Ralf Hildebrandt
Postfix - Einrichtung, Betrieb und Wartung       Tel. +49 (0)30-450 570-155
Recipient user name postmaster (postmas...@domain.de) not unique. 
Several matches found in Domino Directory. 
Oder auch: Viele Postmaster verderben den Server!

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