Yeah, but it doesn't work without i_stream_seek(stream, 0) before.
How can I remove EOH after i_stream_create_header_filter (second
'\n')? Is it possible?
I found next solution:
fname = t_strdup(mktemp("/tmp/temp.XXXXXX"));
fd = creat(fname, 0600);
output = o_stream_create_fd_file(fd, 0, TRUE);
o_stream_send_istream(output, tmp);
// some fd manipulations
stream = i_stream_create_fd(fd, ...);
But it's so ugly and expensive :-( Maybe, another way?
On Apr 3, 2009, at 20:48 , Timo Sirainen wrote:
On Fri, 2009-04-03 at 17:37 +0400, Konstantin Lepa wrote:
I fixed the problem and I created another :-)
I removed header "Subject" and added "X-DSPAM: test value\n\n". Now,
problem is message_get_header_size in create_stream_for_msgbody. It
returns 0 :-( I don't know how to extract message body properly. Help
me to understand usage of struct message_size.
Header comes first in the input stream, then body. So call
message_get_header_size() first and message_get_body_size() next.