On Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 11:09 AM, Stephan Bosch <s.bo...@utwente.nl> wrote:
> Gerhard Wiesinger wrote:
>> Hello!
>> Is it possible with sieve to do the following:
>> When a new message is added to a folder (e.g. dovecot folder and not
>> INBOX) then an action like forwarding it per E-Mail should be triggered.
>> Is this possible? If yes, how does the sieve script look like?
> If you want to do this using Sieve through IMAP (i.e. when appending new
> messages): currently no. There is work in progress to produce an IMAP
> extension that allows setting such scripts for specific folders and
> operations on those folders. This is nowhere near finished however and
> implementing this is not trivial.
>> If possible, can a shell script also be triggered as action?
> Not with Sieve. Perhaps there is a plugin for IMAP that allows triggering
> shell scripts when accessing certain folders, but I really wouldn't know.
> PS: if you are trying to build a spam learning folder: there is a plugin for
> that called antispam.

BTW, the antispam plugin is ready for dovecot 1.2?


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