Hi *,

Before going back to the details in this discussion I want to point out
that the whole thing turned out to be really relevant with existing
clients:  The Horde based Kolab WebClient expects the behavior as shown
by Cyrus IMAP and fails to show "user/a...@example.com/INBOX" as dovecot
currently lists A's INBOX.

While this might be considered a bug in Horde it shows that existing
clients actually highly depend on the behavior as seen in Cyrus IMAP.

Timo Sirainen <t...@iki.fi> writes:
> On Tue, 2009-03-17 at 18:20 +0100, Sascha Wilde wrote:
>> >> 1) "user/a...@example.com" really should be accessible to user B.
>> >>    Why is it listed with "\Noselect"?
>> >
>> > I'm not sure it should be accessible.  This is most likely not A's INBOX.  
>> > That's the other folder you're trying to access:
>> >> 2) "user/a...@example.com/INBOX" does not exist, so the error message is
>> >>    correct, but why does it appear in the listing in the first place?
>> This might very well be true, but in this case dovecot behaves different
>> From cyrus -- which might still be RfC conforming (I haven't checked,
>> but from my memories the RfC is very unspecific on these topics anyway).
> Are you talking about 1) or 2)?

I'm talking about 1 vs 2 if you will.  ;-)
I expected "user/a...@example.com" to be A's INBOX, while BH pointed out,
that with the current implementation it is more likely that
"user/a...@example.com/INBOX" actually refers to A's INBOX.

> If 1), RFC doesn't talk about it. And
> I'm not really sure if it's a good idea to default the a...@example.com to
> be the same as INBOX. If Cyrus does that,

Yes, cyrus does that.

> does it then not show the a...@example.com/INBOX?

No, it doesn't as, the INBOX of A is referred to as
"user/a...@example.com", so "a...@example.com/INBOX" would actually be an
folder named "INBOX".  Which would be displayed as "INBOX/INBOX" from
A's point of view:

User A:           when shared to User B maps to:
INBOX             user/a...@example.com
INBOX/foo         user/a...@example.com/foo
INBOX/foo/bar     user/a...@example.com/foo/bar

Sascha Wilde                                          OpenPGP key: 4BB86568
http://www.intevation.de/~wilde/                  http://www.intevation.de/
Intevation GmbH, Neuer Graben 17, 49074 Osnabrück; AG Osnabrück, HR B 18998
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