Yep, postfix is installed:

mailserver:/etc/postfix# postconf -h mail_owner


----- Original Message -----
From: "Pascal Volk" <>
To: "Douglas M. Stanley" <>
Cc: "Dovecot Mailing List" <>
Sent: Friday, March 13, 2009 4:37:07 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: Re: [Dovecot] Problem with sasl auth with postfix...

On 13.03.2009 21:01 Douglas M. Stanley wrote:
> Hello list,
> I'm running into some problems, and I couldn't find any info about this 
> anywhere on the net.
> I recently set up a new debian lenny machine, and used my notes from the last 
> debian etch
> machine I set up, which basically is for postfix + dovecot for sasl auth.
> On my old etch box, in the dovecot.conf, in the auth default section, I have a
>   socket listen {
>     client {
>       path = /var/spool/postfix/private/auth
>       mode = 0660
>       user = postfix
>       group = postfix
>     }
>   }
> However, if I use the same config on my lenny setup, dovecot fails to start, 
> and I see this
> in my logs:
> Mar 13 19:16:30 mailserver dovecot: Dovecot v1.0.15 starting up
> Mar 13 19:16:30 mailserver dovecot: auth(default): User doesn't exist: postfix
> Mar 13 19:16:30 mailserver dovecot: Auth process died too early - shutting 
> down
> Mar 13 19:16:30 mailserver dovecot: child 4623 (auth) returned error 89
> Now if I comment out the user and group lines, it works fine, but the socket 
> is
> owned by root, and so I have to change the mode line so that it's world 
> readable
> in order for postfix to use it.
> The version of dovecot in etch is: 1.0.rc15-2etch4
> and the version in lenny is: 1.0.15-2.3
> Any ideas why this might be happening? Did the syntax to do this change 
> between those
> versions? Any input? I guess I don't mind leaving it world readable, but I 
> wasted an
> entire morning trying everything to get it to work, so I guess I'm hoping 
> some one
> atleast has an answer as to why it doesn't work.

Is Postfix installed on this system? If so, what shows the command
        postconf -h mail_owner

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