> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Timo Sirainen" <t...@iki.fi>
> To: "k bah" <k...@linuxmail.org>
> Cc: dovecot@dovecot.org
> Subject: Re: [Dovecot] One Dovecot serving 2 domains - possible?
> Date: Fri, 27 Feb 2009 11:58:09 -0500
> On Feb 27, 2009, at 8:21 AM, k bah wrote:
> >> The above assert isn't from v1.1.11 and I had added some extra checks
> >> there since 1.1.7. Do you have the exact assert message from v1.1.11?
> >
> > r...@server:~/dovecot-1.1.11/src/lib# grep -n assert istream-tee.c
> > 38:             i_assert(tstream->istream.skip + old_used <= size);
> > 85:             i_assert(tee->input->v_offset <= tee- >max_read_offset);
> > 119:    i_assert(last_high_offset <= input->v_offset + size);
> > 142:    i_assert(stream->buffer == data);
> > 144:    i_assert(ret > 0);
> > r...@server:~/dovecot-1.1.11/src/lib#
> Oh. Looks like I changed the code after v1.1.11 :)
> http://hg.dovecot.org/dovecot-1.1/rev/e1cac844aa1e
> Does that fix help with your crashes?

  Since it's a production server and I just started working for these people, 
I'll try to reproduce the previous error without affecting the users e-mail 
(since their server is now running 1.0.15). As soon as I do that I'm going to 
give you a feedback for sure, if the problem persists or not. The user who 
reported to me the error may not have the messages that were triggering the 
errors, so I can't guarantee that I'll be able to reproduce the error again.
  Thanks for the quick response!

> > server dovecot: child 553 (auth-worker) killed with signal 11
> This is also interesting. A crashing imap process should have no  
> effect on auth-worker. Can you get a gdb backtrace from that?

 Ok, the same as above.

 thanks again!



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