On Wed, 2009-02-11 at 09:22 +0100, Nicolas Letellier wrote:
> I launch /usr/local/sbin/dovecot --exec-mail
> ext /usr/local/libexec/dovecot/expire-tool every 4 hours. For 3 days,
> no mails were deleted. However, I have date_stamp in mysql table.
> I dropped ALL my mails in Junk/Trash folder ; and delete all
> dovecot.index* in these folders. After, I restarted dovecot with
> expire plugin, and when a first mail arrived in one of these folder, a
> line is created in mysql table.
> But nothing is deleted in my Trash/Pubs/Junk folder. I'm waiting for 3
> days. (first mail arrived in these folder on 2009/02/08).

What does it say if you give --test parameter to expire-tool?

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